Outline of magnified fingerprint icon

Fingerprinting and Criminal Background Check

Most Colorado name changes will require a background check by the CBI and FBI. The applicant will need to be fingerprinted. Then their information will be checked against law enforcement databases. This process needs to be completed before a name change petition can be filed.
  • The only people that do not have to go through this check are:
  • Children under the age of 14
  • People who have recently divorced in the past 60 days
  • This step can be skipped if the applicant is in either of these groups.


There are two ways you can complete the fingerprinting and background check process.

Next Steps

This is just the first step in the name change process. However, these background checks must be complete before you can file a name change petition.
Once the background checks are complete, you have 90 days to file a petition with the court. If you do not file a petition within 90 days, you will need to do the background checks again.
While background checks are in progress, we recommend continuing with the following:
  • Fill out the name change petition
  • Fill out other documents
Remember to:
  • File a petition within 90 days of completed background checks
They will then be completed, printed, and ready to sign when it is time to file.