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Fill Out Social Security Card
Update Form

Social Security Card
Update Form

The Social Security Card update form is a necessary part of the process. This updates the applicant’s new name with the social security administration. There is no charge for doing this.

We can also help you change your gender on your social security record if you qualify. They require a signed medical letter saying you have completed or are in the process of getting treatment to transition. This part of the interview is optional. But we can help create the medical letter if needed. The interview will automatically skip these questions if you do not need to change your gender.

When you come to the end of this interview you will be able to download and print out the social security update form. You will then need to sign the form and fill out the three needed social security numbers by hand.

If you are changing your gender, you will need to have your doctor sign the attached medical letter. They can sign the letter we created. Or they can use the same words and print them on paper with their logo if they prefer. If they want to create their own letter we recommend they use the same words.

The social security administration will not accept your gender change if the medical letter is not signed and sent in with the update form.
  • This form is unique and is not filed with the Name Change Petition Packet.
It also cannot be filed until the name change is final with the court. For now, keep it on the side on its own and do not add it to any other forms.